Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ever think you're having a bad day?

Just like everyone else we have problems, bad days. I have to admit sometimes I'm a little selfish about that and I am sure that some of you can agree.
Our bad day may be something like not getting schoolwork or making a deadline for work, or coming home and getting into a fight with someone we love. If you really think about it, there is always someone who has it worse.
Imagine waking up without a home, not knowing where you will spend the next night, no hope of a job in sight, a crying baby that you don't know how you're going to feed and even if you got a job who would take care of them?
These are the types of people that Our House Shelter helps. They help them not only by feeding them, but by giving them shelter and hope for a new job. Once they are established with a job, Our House offers Little Learners, a day care program.
Our House is more than a shelter, it is a place that will help to turn someone's life from a nightmare that we cannot imagine to a working part of society who has a chance where their worries can eventually fall to the not so harsh worries that are manageable.
To me Our House is the one and only Little Rock shelter that can turn a life completely around.

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